Love and feeling : From husband to wife : One
I start here a topic which deals with the relationship that exists in a couple's life. In this narrative I will discuss on the links between two persons who have decided to live together. The feelings, the profound and secret thoughts would be revealed during this long period of living together. I invite you to discover them.
Love and feeling
From husband to wife
I think that you are wrong to make such judgment toward me. I am sure that I do not deserve it. You reproach me not to tell you everything I think of you and of our life. How can you say such thing, my love? There is no other thing that interests me in life than you. I have always been anxious for you, for your health and for everything that has link to you. I know myself well enough to say it with frankness, without any hypocrisy. The real feelings, you know, may be discovered after hard trials. It is never easy to understand someone even if you have lived with him or her for years. The feelings which are deployed throughout the existence sometimes offer freshness, hope, joy and sometimes doubts, uncertainties, grief and even despair. The judgments that we can only formulate wrong and through on the behavior of his or her partner without any valid evidence can only bring, to a lifetime, clouds which may not dissipate so soon and which may cause quite a storm inside of this fragile heart that a little nothing accelerate the throbbing and disrupt the mood for an indefinite time. You can’t understand the role you play in my life. I have no other passion than you and our daughter. I don’t care for others. It is important for me to have you by my side. The fact that we are able to be together is a proof that we love each other. I am glad that you reassure me of the greatness of your love for me. Think also that mine is of a dimension which you can’t imagine. I have already said that I have love for you in my heart enough to love you till my last days. There is no doubt at all for it. And I am not in the process of inventing. You can’t perhaps imagine all worries I make for you, for your health, to see you cheerful, lively. What obstacles I do not avoid you to face to have a life which you like, a life you want to conduct properly, and an object you would like to have? I have never wanted to create problem so that you shall not be deprived of anything that you would like to have in life. Moreover, what other pleasure do you think I have if not to feel comfortable with you? There exists in myself nothing that tortures me, nor am I keeping silence on the way we are leading our life, as you claim it in your letter. I think that you imagine too many ideas on my person. I try to ask myself if there is something which torment me in my life. I find absolutely nothing. I have nothing to hide you. Nevertheless for what reason do I hide you things that I believe you have the right to know. You must not worry about this, my love. I have given you the warranty that I have nothing to reproach myself on the feeling that I have for you. The only thing that bothers me is your state of health. I would like that you consult a specialist surgeon to take care of your health. This is the only thing that torments and worries me. I wish also to see you staying at home as you desire. Sometimes I am obsessed to discover how tired you are. You spend too much energy and I am anxious of the wrongs that this could cause to you. You are my only reason to live, my love. Without you what am I on this earth? No faces will be able to looks like yours. No sentiments can argue yours. A whole life lives without you will not give me the same joy as one second spent by your side. Imagined by yourself what you represent for me in my life.